
Welcome to my NEW website! Lit By Lordy, isn't just my small business, but its my escape from reality. The story behind the business is quite simple. It started on a random night, by browsing the internet. I have always been a candle lover. You'll always catch me in the candle aisle in every store, smelling every single one.

During quarantine, I wanted to get creative. I saw a video of someone making candles out of empty wine bottles. So I decided to buy my first candle making kit from amazon and loved the process of candle making. Then I started doing more research on candle making. Believe it or not, there is more to it than anyone thinks. I started getting materials to start making them for friends and family. Unfortunately, everything was back ordered for 2+ months so I really couldn't start making them. Then I saw another video of someone making a bubble candle. This is when I started to think.

I started playing around with the process and thought, let me give this a shot till the rest of my jar candle materials come in. Few weeks later, and some credit card debt.. I thought, why not sell them? I created an Instagram account and started posting. Posted my first sale, 287 orders came in! I was very overwhelmed and was no where prepared to complete these all (on top of a full time job). It was exciting, but scary.

Then, I realized I had to make a decision. Is this a one time thing, or do I create something out of this? My mother had a major part, and saw the passion I had in creating. Therefore, she told me I have to keep it going and that she would help me.

Months later, I have almost a dozen molds and an entire business. I look forward to what the future holds.

I will be writing in my blog for people to follow and see what goes behind the scenes. This will also be an opportunity to allow new business owners to reach out and ask anything!


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Running Your Own Business?